3.1 Wizard Setting

By default, the Setup Wizard will start once the NVR has been loaded. You can click check-box to turn off the Wizard when startup.

The Setup Wizard will guide you to complete important settings, which makes NVR more user-friendly.

Step 1. Set password to active admin account.

  1. Only the NVR firmware version xx.9.0.3 or above supports activation function.
  2. Password must be 8 to 32 characters long.
  3. Password must contain at least one number and one letter.

Step 2. Enable Unlock Pattern.

You can choose whether to enable Unlock Pattern according to your needs and set Unlock Pattern. Unlock Pattern is easy to login the system quickly.

  1. Make sure your NVR’s version is 7x.9.0.11 or above.
  2. Only the Wizard can enable Unlock Pattern when the NVR is active.

Step 3. Set security questions which are used for resetting password.

10 questions are provided, you can select any one to set answer. Beside, customized question is available.

If you skip this step, you can also set it again in Setting -> User interface.

Note: Only the NVR firmware version xx.9.0.3 or above supports.

Step 4.Date and time setting.

Select the Time Zone and date via NTP or you can set date and time manually.

Step 5.Network setting.

Input the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and Preferred DNS Server.

PoE NIC IPv4 Address option is only for PoE NVR Series.

Step 6. Disk Management.

Step 7. Camera Management.

Search all the cameras in LAN by filtering Protocol and IP Range. Select cameras and click to add them to NVR.

  1. It can auto detect cameras that connected to PoE ports (only for PoE NVR).
  2. If camera status shows inactive, please click to active it first.

Step 8.P2P

Select Enable to allow P2P Service.Then scan the QR code through M-sight Pro APP to get a remote and real-time view.

Note: Only the NVR firmware version xx.9.0.9 or above supports enable P2P in Wizard directly.

Step 9.Record

The user can start all channels recording by clicking.

Step 10.Login

There are two ways to login the system.

Method 1: Input the user name and password to login the system.

If you forget the password, click to reset password.

Note: Only the NVR firmware version xx.9.0.3 or above supports password reset if you forget it.

Method 2: Click to login the system with Unlock Pattern if you enable Unlock Pattern.

If you forget Unlock Pattern, click to reset Unlock Pattern.

Note: When users enter the wrong password for four times, the login locking will be triggered. After being locked, the same user should wait for five minutes to log in again.