Become a Milesight Developer

Milesight Development Platform helps managing your devices remotely. This topic describes how to create a Milesight Development Platform account.


  1. Go to the Sign up page of Milesight Development Platform.
  2. Register your account.

    1. Select a data center for adding and managing your devices.
      • It's recommended to select the data center closest to you.
      • You can switch between different data centers afterward, and data between them will remain isolated.
    2. Enter your email address.
    3. Read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, then select the checkbox to agree them.
    4. Click Next.

      An email with a verification code is sent to the email address you entered.

  3. Verify Your Account.
    1. Go to your email inbox to check the verification code.
    2. Enter the verification code.
  4. Create your account.

    1. Enter the basic information and set your password.
    2. Click Create Account Now.


You have created an account for Milesight Development Platform.