Region Entrance

Region entrance helps to protect a special area from potential threat of suspicious person’s or object’s entrance. An alarm will be triggered when objects enter the selected regions by enabling region entrance.

  • Region Entrance(for non-AI cameras)

  • Region Entrance(for AI cameras)

Step1: Select detection region and enable Region Entrance detection. Then set detecting sensitivity;

Step2: Choose detection object. Check Human or Vehicle attribute, and the camera will alarm once detecting people or vehicle and triggering related events;

Note: All AI Cameras support this function.

Step3: Set detection schedule;

Step4: Set Entrance Detection region and object size limits;

  • Min. Size: Draw the screen or input pixel number to set the minimum size of the detected object. When the object is smaller than this size, it will not be detected. The default minimum size is 3*3

  • Max. Size: Draw the screen or input pixel number to set the maximum size of the detected object. When the object is larger than this size, it will not be detected. The default maximum size is 320*240

Note: Support the Irregular Area Drawing function in 4x.7.0.78 version or above of Milesight cameras.

Step5: Set alarm action;

Step6: Set alarm settings. If you enable External Output and choose Constant External Output Action Time, when objects enter the selected regions, External Output Action alarm time will be always constant till the alarm is released.

Step7: Click [OK] or [Apply] after all set.