User Management

Users are managed in the User Management page.

Users can be created, modified and deleted from the User Management page in “Milesight VMS Client”. Several properties of a user including User Name, Password, Confirm password, Role, Email Address and Remark can be changed here. Besides, users can set security questions to improve user security.

Note: Password Verification is required if any changes are made.

Click the “User Settings->User management” button, the page will show as below:

The meanings of the items on the page can be referred to the table below:

Table 1.


Function Introduction

User never expire

User never expire by default, you can also set user expiry date for other role users. When a user date expires, you can’t use the user to login to the VMS system.

Change password periodically

Enable to set a time period to change the password periodically for better security.

Change password when first login

With this option enabled, it will ask to change the password when logging in for the first time.

Disconnect or Exit from VMS

With this option enable, the users without this privilege will not be able to close or log out of the VMS system during monitoring.

Each user can modify his or her own security questions, which greatly improves security.

Owner role page:

Other role page:

  1. The created users are enabled by default. The user can’t choose to disable itself when a user logs in the VMS system client.
  2. If user is disabled, then the VMS system client which the user login to will logout compulsively and pop up a reminder window ”User has been disabled or deleted, please contact administrator”.
  3. There can only be one user who is Owner, which is the user added when the system is created, and the priority of role is highest.