Among Milesight's collaborations with all the great professionals around the world, in Hong Kong, China, and the U.S., we have a close relationship with Dr. Amos Darko and his research teams on projects related to building sustainability, digitalization, and management. From September 2022 to the present, Dr. Amos Darko's team has been working on indoor space research, using Milesight IAQ sensors and gateways for data collection and analysis.

Conference Papers / Book Chapters
Darko, A., Jayasanka, T.A.D.K., Chan, A.P.C., Jalaei, F., Ansah, M.K., Opoku, DG.J. (2024). Digital Twin-Based Automated Green Building Assessment Framework. In: Skatulla, S., Beushausen, H. (eds) Advances in Information Technology in Civil and Building Engineering. ICCCBE 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 357. Springer, Cham
T.A.D.K. Jayasanka, Amos Darko, Farzad Jalaei, Albert P.C. Chan, Digital Twinning of Existing Indoor Space for Improved Indoor Environmental Quality Monitoring and Assessment, the 46th Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA), 2023 Conference
Conference Papers / Book Chapters
The Best Paper Award in the stream Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Building/Construction at the 46th Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA) 2023 Conference in recognition of the winning entry “Digital Twinning of Existing Indoor Space for Improved Indoor Environmental Quality Monitoring and Assessment”